Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Small Hawk Smaller Still Birds

Design - "Snowman" 
Designer - Twisted Threads
Chart - "Winter Trio"
Fibers - WDS and GAST as charted 
Fabric - 32 Count Dirty linen - one thread of floss over two threads of linen
Started - 16 November 2009
Finished - 21 November 2009

Yes, the small Sharp-shinned Hawk continues to hang out in the backyard.
He is very comfortable down on the ground as well as perched on a fence, birdfeeder, or tree.

Nonetheless, the Bushtits still come by in nice sized groups. 

Ten birds here. 

Three females

Happy facing upside down.

Besides suet, I'm now seeing them eating peanuts and other seeds.

1 comment:

  1. What a darling snowman! The hawk is handsome. Love the shots of the Bushtits.


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