Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday's Critters

For some reason, I 'forgot' to post on the 8th of June.  It's the post that talks about the bear incursion in the backyard.  If you are interested, here's the link.  

So many cute chipmunks this week.

Here he's eating a Lewisia leaf - that's not so cute.

Bunnies abound at the moment.

This Spike is hanging out.

Close up

I think he got in a fight with a larger more mature buck.

AS you can see, he's pretty beat up.

And here are the twins.

Like all good children, they are focused on watching their mom!


  1. I really enjoyed today's pictures Beth. Most especially the twins. :)

  2. The twins are darling! Spike does look pretty banged up. Enjoy your day!


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