Monday, July 8, 2019


Design - Beehive
Chart - Miniature Samplers II
Designer - Homespun Elegance
Fabric - 26 count White linen
Started - 23 April 2010
Completed - 23 April 2010

The bees are buzzing - honeybees are getting drinks of water from my birdbaths.

I've seen a couple of Flycatchers.
If they do not talk, they're hard to ID correctly.
This may be a Western Wood Pewee.

This one is smaller and fatter.

I think it is my Willow Flycatcher.

Correct IDs or not, I enjoy seeing these birds. 

The male Brown-headed Cowbird sings and sings - a burbling crystal-clear song.

Nice to get a glimpse of a White-crowned Sparrow.


  1. What a darling beehive stitch, Beth! That 'fluffy' bird is adorable.

  2. The willow flycatcher is such a pretty little bird.


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