Sunday, July 7, 2019

June Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

June was a pretty good month for all sorts of critters.

Squirrel running...

Squirrel sitting.

Back for another visit.

Fluffy skunk.

Out for an early evening stroll.

Young buck.

Mama and twins.

A closer look.

Three deer.

Big buck.

The twins again.

Doe and a single fawn.

I think this was the fawn that curled up in the backyard.


Late afternoon.

Another sighting.

Early evening this time.

Three 'captures' of the bear this month.

Coming over...

...for a drink of water.

A week later.

Same bear twice in the night - or two different bears?

The final sighting.

What will July bring? 


  1. That is a good looking bear. Love the pictures of the fawns! Enjoy your day, Beth!

  2. Wow! That is a lot of critters!


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