Thursday, June 7, 2018

Thursday's Progress

Here's what I've done on Heart in Hand's "Summer Bird". Not much, but I've been spending most of my spare time gardening.  I hope to have a post or two about those efforts next week.

I do have some Bright Birds to share with you. 

On Monday morning, a very bright yellow blob caught my eye.

Was it yet another American Goldfinch?

Nope!  It was my first confirmed this year of a male Yellow Warbler.

This was the best photo I managed before the bird flitted off to a Big Leaf Maple tree and disappeared from sight.

This male Purple Finch was belting out all his favorite tunes.

He can sing from both the right and the left!

Here he is getting a drink of water.

He qualifies as a Bright Bird!


  1. Good start, Beth! Your bright birds look super.

  2. I have missed seeing all your bird photos. Hope to catch up. Lovely photos as always. Mary

  3. You are right, bright beautiful birds!!

  4. Yay to you, for spotting the Yellow Warbler! They are pretty good at hiding in the leaves... Wish we had Purple Finches here... they are so colorful! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.