Friday, June 8, 2018

Getting Ready

I'm off on a short (2 day) road trip after work Saturday evening with my Mom, so today I'll be packing and organizing.  I decided I needed a road trip project and this two color piece seemed perfect for that.

I seem to have the most finch activity in the evening.

The top birds are female American Goldfinches, the two on the left are male American Goldfinches, and the bottom right is a male Lesser Goldfinch.

The Band-tailed Pigeons visit two or three times a day.

Newbie birders often get confused as to whether they've seen a Towhee... 

...or a Black-headed Grosbeak. They eye color and beak shape are two sure ways to distinguish the birds.

I'm still awash in Starlings - up to 15 birds at a time - most of them newly fledged like this guy.

Here's a newly fledged Junco - is that not the cutest thing ever?


  1. The newly fledged Junco is a cutie. Enjoy your road trip, Beth! What a fun project you are taking with you!

  2. Your post today made me think about why crafters feel the need to take their chosen craft along with them on trips. I am obsessive about it when I travel (which isn't often) - it's almost more important than the clothes I pack!! Have a good trip Beth.

  3. Enjoy your road trip. I think you have made a wise choice of projects to take along.

  4. Enjoy your trip and lovely photos as always. Love the goldfinches....they are still not visiting my feeders. :(

  5. Your two color project is perfect for traveling :) I need to find a simple piece for an upcoming trip, too.

    Wow--what are you feeding the gold finches? They obviously love it!

  6. Another wonderful post! Thanks to your blog, I am now able to spot the Lesser Goldfinch right away! Tho we won't see them here... it is still a good thing to know! Out here, we have doves. And this spring season, I finally found the Eurasian collared doves down at the beach! Lifers! Plus, in my yard, there was an odd mourning dove... It was quite dark in color, and the tail was a bit longer. My local expert thought it was probably a 'domestic' one like the odd Mallards we occasionally see that have different markings. I love that HIH project, and look forward to seeing it stitched up! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.