Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday's Hummers

Not a lot of hummer photos this week.
The days have been dark, the light low, so the birds do not photograph well.
Here's one of my Rufous males.

An Anna's female.

A rare sight!  Two birds at the feeder.
An Anna's female and male.

She looks rather stunned at what is happening.



Male in all his glory!


  1. Love the photo of the pair of hummers together just fabulous it will be around Mother'sDay here in northern MN before they return certainly looking forward to that!! Grey here as well we might even get snow showers...we have been in the 60's not liking the 30's this am! Have a wonderful week 💐

  2. Super batch of hummer pictures! We have our first 2 of the season; thrilled to see their return. Enjoy your day!

  3. Love seeing your hummers. They are beauties!

  4. Aww so beautiful.
    Love and smiles x


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