Friday, October 14, 2016

Stormy Weather Arrives

Design - "Wisdom" (kit)
Designer - Shakespeare's Peddler
Fabric - 32 count Pearled Barley linen 
Fibers - Belle Soie Silk - one strand over two threads
Started - 15 August 2011
Completed - 17 August 2011

It's back to the Stitching Archives once again! I still think this is a pretty cool design.

The rain and wind arrived yesterday as predicted.  Some of our neighbors lost power for a few hours, but thus far we have been spared.

Storms make for interesting bird watching.

A Raven flew in and scolded me.

A Sharp-shinned Hawk perched atop the Acorn Woodpeckers' granary tree.  

The Woodpeckers were not at all happy and were very vocal in their displeasure.  Interestingly a group of eight or so Steller's Jays flew in and mobbed the hawk until it flew off.

It later appeared in my backyard atop one of my bird feeders.

October birds include this Rufous Towhee.

And several Song Sparrows.

Thursday evening amidst gusty winds, twenty or more Robins flew into the backyard.

Good eating!


  1. That is a cute owl piece. And love the story about the Stellar Jays chasing off the hawk. Here the Blue Jays are the vocal ones, chasing off larger birds in the neighborhood. Now YOU are under bad weather... gee!

  2. That is a great owl design. I was feeling sorry for the birds up here. They probably got blown out of the trees. We are suppose to get a very bad storm tomorrow!

  3. I d seen several fat robins in my yard recently!


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