Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday Beauties

EArlier this week, my sister went down to her garden and picked several bouquets.

She thought, rightly so, that these might be the last as the storms would be hard on her dahlias.

They've provided a lot a cheer this week.

I am fond of her "Persian Carpet" zinnias too.

Here are my beauties - the Anna's Hummingbirds.

I call this Dueling Hummers!  En garde!

It's rare to have two birds this close to one another.

They are both young birds, I think females.

Here's an adult male.

He does not share his space!

Female Anna's.

Amazing feather detail.


  1. The flowers are beautiful. The colors are gorgeous.

  2. I love the dahlias and zinnias and have noted them down for adding to my garden. Thanks to sister and her gardening expertise!

  3. Beautiful flowers! The dahlias are wonderful and I can see why you like the Persian carpet zinnias - such rich colors.

    You may have outdone yourself with this collection of hummingbird pics - they look like they could be perched right on your finger. Happy Saturday!

  4. What gorgeous flowers! As always, your hummer pictures are fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend, Beth!

  5. So glad you got the flowers before the storm was too bad. I hope the sweet little hummers have a safe place today.

  6. Love those flowers -- just beautiful! Glad they were saved from the storms. Hope you all are faring well with the nastiness. Love seeing the hummers too!

  7. Wonderful set of hummers - they do look like they are about to start fencing.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Those flowers are glorious-the colors are just beautiful!
    I love the hummingbird in flight! The sweet little wings! And that feather detail is amazing!

  9. Such beautiful colors in the dahlias! I really think I shall try to grow some next year... Cute little Hummingbird pictures...they always make me smile! Been away from home, so hope that you were not badly affected by that storm! Hugs!


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