Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Turkey and Quail

Design - "November"
Chart - "A Prairie Year"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
FAbric - 28 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 November 2015
Completed - 29 November 2015

I managed one last turkey finish before month's end.  I will certainly miss new Prairie Schooler designs, but appreciate all the years and charts they've created.  

Cold weather = Puffy Quail

One of my favorite things is watching the California Quail as they come out of the brush to forage each morning.

These two guys enjoyed the warmed of the morning sun. 

Downy and puffed up against the cold air.

Two young handsome birds.

Looking left and looking right.

The chest feather pattern is amazing.

Thanks guys!

The females are pretty too in a quieter way.

Besides seeds, they do eat grasses.


  1. Oh yes! I would enjoy watching them daily also. :)

  2. These birds remember me and my colleague this morning at the coffee break
    out of the office sun is beautiful

  3. That's what I looked like after eating all day Thursday :)
    Such beautiful birds!

  4. They do look cold! I love the PS turkey. I am going to miss those designers as they are retiring.

  5. Love the new header, the turkey, and the quail too! They puff up so much!

  6. Aren't they adorable! What fun to study them.
    Your turkey is fabulous!
    You're invited to share this outdoor post on this week's Maple Hill Hop! We always love your birding posts! ;0D

  7. You are so lucky to have CA Quail come out in the open to eat. They are an elusive bird for many Arizona birders:) I finally got my first good look at one in Utah this year. They are rather skittish:)

  8. Love the turkey cross-stitch and the quail are beautiful!

  9. Qual o nome desse tecido que você ultilizou?


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