Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Under the Wire!

Design - "Blue Owl on Branch"
Designer - Cherry Hill Stitchery
Fabric - 28 count Light Gray Jobelan
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 Ocotober 2014
Completed - 31 October 2014

Here's my last October Owl. I may stitch one or two more...

Our weather though often wet, has been very mild. We've not dipped below the mid-40's at night.  There is no sign of frost in the 10 day forecast.   

I'm glad as my Thunbergia is going crazy!

With gray days the bloom color has intensified.
As this vine will perish with the first frost, I am going to enjoy it while it lasts.

These two small Fuchsias have been stellar performers this year. They've stayed very compact with non-stop profuse blooms.  I sited them in the hot harsh west sunlight and they did not burn.

Even with mild days, I decided it was time to begin the fall pick-up / clean-up. I trimmed all my Agastaches and Salvias and tucked them in this sheltered area for the winter months.  

The back nook area is swept and tidied as well. 
I picked up all the Agaves as they do not tolerate wet or cold.

All the tender succulents are in the greenhouse.  

All the Sedums are under the eves.

And my sister harvested her watermelon!

A good gardening weekend!


  1. ooOoo! Yum, yum! Are you enjoying watermelon?!

  2. I always enjoy seeing your garden! The color in the flowers does intensify in the fall and just seem to glow on gray days - like it is today here in Kennewick. :)

  3. I love succulents. Wish I had some.

  4. Love the owl finish! It's always interesting to me to see how you gardeners get ready for the different seasons. Looking good to me!

  5. I'm not fond of owls... bad connections with nasty ex-MIL - but this one is ADORABLE! Your flowers look lovely - we've had frost and I spent part of the day retiring shriveled brown plants to the compost pile. I hope to find some pansies at the greenhouse for a little color as the mums are toast. Need a spot of color -

  6. Beautiful flowers and cut finish x

  7. Your little owl is so cute!! We have had so much rain we haven't been able to begin the Fall clean up-maybe this week-end.

  8. I love your little owl! He's so cute. Your vine is beautiful. We are looking at high temps in the mid 40s rest of this week. Ahh...November.

  9. How lucky you are to still have flowering plants outside! I brought some of my annuals inside, hoping to see the buds open.

  10. Love the owl finish. Still you have beautiful colour in your garden.

  11. So your Thunbergia is called Black Eyed Susan VINE... unlike here where we have Black Eyed Susans--called Rudbeckia! Never knew there were two different types... how very interesting... I love the flowers we have here... bright yellow of course! But orange... very cool also! Good job prepping for winter. Hugs!

  12. P. S. Love the little blue owl a lot!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.