Monday, November 3, 2014

New Blog Header

November 2014 Blog Header 

Some of you may have noticed that I have a new blog header.
Here are the details. 

Row #1: For My Boys,"Humble Gratitude"; Bent Creek, "Leaves"; Heart in Hand, "Tall Turkey"  
Row #2: Bent Creek, "Tiny Tim Turkey"; Heart in Hand, "Thanksgiving Sampler"; Bent Creek, "Count Your Blessings".
Row #3: Bent Creek,"November Twirls"; Bent Creek, "Turkey on an Egg" (kit).
Row #4: The Prairie Schooler, "Spring and Fall" - "November"Heart in Hand, "Blessings".

In the quiet of Sunday morning I heard the sound of hundreds of flapping wings.  About 8:00am a large group of birds flew overhead rapidly flying south.  They said not a word and flew so quickly I was able to get only one blurry photo.  I think they were about the size of Robins and numbered around 200 or so.   

I should start counting Juncos.  I have a pretty good group of birds once again.

And the Towhees have returned to the feeders as well. 

The Scrub Jays are feeder birds all year long.

They run off my Goldfinches when they come to the feeders.

Here's a female Orange-shafted Flicker.
In this photo you can see the orange tail feathers.

Flickers are 'talkers', and like Jays have several different calls. 


  1. Wonderful header. Love "Count Your Blessings" especially.

  2. The female flicker is such a bonnie bird - love the little flash of orange.

  3. Lovely header and sweet birds x

  4. Thanks for all the information on your header. I am seeing lots of Juncos also. I will put the suet out when it gets colder. That seems to attract the flickers.

  5. Love the new header! Very appropriate, of course. :D It's fun seeing what birds are coming to your feeders this time of year. Amazing how the birds change with the seasons!

  6. Your new header is great! You have such wonderful birds visiting your yard and feeders.

  7. Beth, what a great header! Love the picture of the Towhee!

  8. The new header is great! The towhees are pretty birds. Appropriate color palate for November... LOL.

  9. Love the coloration of the towhees! You are fortunate to live under a flyway.

  10. Look at all those beautiful birds! Your photos are always so lovely.
    I like your new header! Turkeys are the funniest birds! I don't think I've seen a turkey chart that I didn't like!

  11. Love the new header. Fall always has the best colors. :)

  12. I always end up adding to my wish list after you announce the blog header pieces! Lots of cuteness there! Love the story about the flock of birds... wish you had known what they were! Out here, they might have been the starlings or whatever those speckled black birds are! Thanks for the great Junco and Towhee pics... you have a great eye!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.