Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday's Stitch, Wednesday's Walk

Did you take note of this month's stitching theme?
And I seem to have enough charts to stitch cats all year long.
So now to chose three or four and kit them up...hmmmm...

Our temperatures have moderated a bit, so let's take a walk.

You never know who you might see, or who might see you!

September light is quiet and diffused.

The sun now sets behind a hill in the southwest by 7:00pm and all bird activity effectively ends.

The first of the Big Leaf Maples is getting fall color.

The Cottonwoods too.

The young Douglas Fir have finished their growth spurt for the year.

I did find a rather scraggily patch of wild Asters in bloom. 

It's nice to see something blooming this late in the season.

The majority of the wildflowers look like these clumps of Iris, dried out and spent. 

But not before they produced a whopping crop of seeds back in July.

Now the seed pods are spent and empty - their work is done.

I was surprised to find catkins on the Hazel brush this early.

The Douglas Fir crop is ripe and ready for the birds and squirrels to go to work.

The finches can still find plenty of thistle seed too!

That's it for today - I should go back inside I figure out which cat chart I'm going to stitch! 


  1. I was looking through your charts there. I am interested in which one you pick. You have great ones.

  2. Yay for cats! It already looks so fall- like there. Is it still hot?

  3. Now that's a nice assortment of cats to choose from! Can't wait to see who you choose. I can already see hints of fall in my neck of the woods too. Wow, where did this summer go?!

  4. A very pleasant early Fall walk! It will bee fun seeing which cat charts you choose.

  5. I can get behind a cat theme. :)


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