Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Hare and Woodpeckers

Design - "Hare Crossing"
Designe - Mosey 'N Me
Fabric - 32 count R & R Cinnamon Roll Belfast linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 April 2014
Completed - 31 August 2014 

Another project finished before August's end!  Wahoo!

The Mosey 'N Me hare has a very unique look / style.  I like it very much.

As do others!

I think they approve.

It's been a good week for woodpeckers.

The other day I had a group of four Acorn Woodpeckers fly in.

And here's the thing...I'm pretty convinced that it is a different group of birds than the four I've been observing. 

I think it was composed of two adults and two newly fledged birds.

See - the two on the left are begging and the one on the right is feeding.

This is a fat newly fledged begging baby bird!

So hungry!

I got to watch for a while and this definitely was a second group of Acorn Woodpeckers.  

The Group of Four that I've been watching has three guys including a fledgling and one gal.  The juvenile male has been feeding himself for three or more weeks and is pretty sleek looking now.  So this has to be Group of Four #2 with two younger birds.  I wonder if they will return...

The Flickers have been very active as of late.

There are several young female birds. I think they are youngsters as they are are rotund and downy.    

They've already figured out how to use their stiff tale feathers to help their balance. 

See, still downy and rumpled looking!

On Tuesday I could hear two Pileated Woodpeckers talking back and forth.  I then heard a very unusual sound and observed two young birds fly by (no photo).  Finally later in the morning, I heard the slow steady 'thunk thunk thunk' of a bird working away on a snag.  Look closely at this blurry photo (I could never get the auto-focus to focus on the bird rather than the hazel brush in the foreground) and you can see the Pileated.


  1. Your hare finish is great! How cool you got to see a Pileated woodpecker at work!

  2. L♥ve the Mosey 'n Me hare. It is wonderful. :)

  3. I love your Hare finish ;) and your real live hares and all the beautiful photos of your bird life!

  4. Mosey n Me have a certain look about them - I've stitched a few as gifts in the past. The hare is very appealing.

  5. Lovely hare! I've never heard of that designer before. Will have to look them up! Your bunnies are cute too.

  6. The hare is lovely!
    Just yesterday I was out taking pictures of woodpeckers too. They are particularly busy in our birch tree this year. I love to see the flickers - such shy birds.

  7. Wonderful woodpecker photos!!!! I would love to have a visit from an Acorn woodpecker! I won't get the big ones till I put out my winter feeder. Do love the bunny cross stitch!

  8. I am totally in love with your stitchy finish. It's gorgeous! Love the bunnies and birds too. So cool about the woodpeck family!

  9. That hare is really cute. It looks like it's just bouncing for joy (or maybe it's being chased by Tom-Cat!)



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