Friday, April 18, 2014

Raining Frogs and Bathing Birds

I was going to stun and amaze you with my border progress on "Hare Crossing".  But that was before I discovered (around 9pm) that I was off one thread. I came down the right hand side to find I did not line up.  In looking for the error, I discovered that I was off one thread on the last seven stitches on the right hand side.  So that means I need to frog out the entire bottom of the border.

 It rained steadily on Thursday - I guess it rained frogs. Sigh...

Even with the rain, it was a good day to take a bath.

This Scrub Jay totally got into it.

I think he spent a good five minutes splashing about.

The water flew everywhere.

He was one soaking wet bird by the time he decided he'd had enough.

Later in the day a couple of Golden-crowned Sparrows decided to take a dip.  

They appeared to take turns.
First the bird on the right...

Then the one on the left.
They were much more restrained in their ablutions.

They were much more restrained in their ablutions as compared to the Jay.

My Goldfinch folk is now up to five birds! 
While there are Goldfinches year around in the southern Willamette Valley, my folk of birds hang out here from April through October.  We are at 500 feet elevation, and my theory is that in late October the birds prefer to hang out on the valley floor where the temperatures are a bit more mild.  That's my theory anyway as the local Audubon Society is always able to count Goldfinches during their Christmas Bird Count.   


  1. aww very cute pictures..
    hugs and kisses x

  2. Oh that's hilarious seeing the birds having fun taking their baths!

    Sorry you had to frog. Borders always make me hold my breath until they meet! ;-)

  3. Sorry for the frogging.
    I always love watching the birds taking a bath. We have some bowls in our garden and there are always some visitors taking a bath. It's fun watching them.

  4. I hate when that happens Beth, I've just spent this evening knitting a teddy bear's body and it's not going to work!! I love your photos of the "canary guys" - such crisp colours.

  5. Hi Beth, I saw your comment on my blog and your question about the cat litter. I use Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract. I was having a terrible time a few years ago with Mimi peeing on the carpet rather than in the box, but since I've been using this stuff, she's been using the box (knock on wood!) I'm afraid to try anything else! It runs about $16 to $17 at Petco for a 20 lb. bag.

  6. I wonder why birds take baths. lol! So cute! Love seeing the goldfinches -- such bright color to brighten up the day! Sorry about your frogging....

  7. Ugh! Sorry about the frogs.
    Great pictures.

  8. Borders always make me nervous, Beth, for that exact reason--hopefully the frogging will go quickly!!

    We had five goldfinches yesterday at our thistle feeder--what a sight!! I tried to get a photo, but they are still not quite used to any movement from inside the house and they would all fly away. It is such fun watching them turn their brighter yellow color this spring...

  9. Such pretty pictures. I enjoy watching my birds. Happy Easter.

  10. Isn't it so fun to watch the birds bathing? Sorry the frogs came to visit your stitching though.


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