Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hares and Canaries

Design - "Hare's Another Rabbit!" (freebie)
Designer - Mosey 'n Me
Fabric - 32 count Flax linen
Fibers - DMC & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started  - 6 April 2014
Completed  16 April 2014

I chose the fabric and the colors for this.  I wanted the border to be 'Easterish' in nature and frame a bunny that looked like the ones I see in my backyard.  I think it turned out well.

I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for the "Canary Guys" (as my father calls them) to return.

On Monday  they returned.

Two male American Goldfinches.

If this is like past years, my flock will continue to grow and grow over the next several weeks. 

For now it is good to see even a few of them again.

I read that with some kinds of migrating birds, the males return first to scope out territory.  Then later the females arrive.  

So far I've seen three males and one female.

The males still look a little scruffy as they are just now finishing their molt into their spring plumage.

As you can see they've found the nyger thistle feeder!
Once the Goldfinches arrive, the Evening Grosbeaks cannot be too far behind.  I usually 'hear' the Grosbeaks calling in the forest for a couple of days before they appear at the feeders.  I heard them on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I am hoping to see them before the week's end.


  1. Your stitch is cute.
    Canary Guys. ;)

  2. You have to admire Nature in its creation of beauty. You have the bright yellow bird then the super graphic black and white wings and little black "mohawk". Cool!

  3. You don't have goldfinches in the winter? We do, here in Michigan, but the males fade out and look like the females. Then in the spring they brighten back up!

  4. Oh my, they are wonderful! So beautiful and yellow! I'd love to see one in person.

  5. Your bunny stitch is so cute!! It is great seeing the Goldfinches back.

  6. Love to hear the goldfinches chattering at my feeders and watch the males as they change into their summer outfit. Your pictures are beautiful as always and your stitching is also.

  7. A sweet bunny finish. Wow they are such brightly coloured birds.

  8. Cute bunny! I have Goldfinches all year, but they lose their bright yellow in the fall. They are still their winter brown color with just a hint of yellow.

  9. Love the bunny...I think you did a great job making it look like one of "your" bunnies. Fantastic pictures of the goldfinches! As a city dweller,I continue to appreciate all of your wildlife (and nature walk) pictures!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.