Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bunnies and Woodpeckers

I was able to work on my small Mosey 'n Me bunny yesterday.
It is beginning to take shape and look like a bunny...

...so says my Expert Consultant!

Exciting news on the Woodpecker Front!

I don't often get a photo of two Acorn Woodpeckers...

And I've never taken an photo of two males!  
For the first time that I've observed, there two males at the feeders at the same time! 

This is very exciting as for the past year and a half, I've had just one male and one female Acorn.

Now it appears there are two guys...

Which leads me to wonder if I now have two gals as well.
Stay tuned!

I cannot begin to count my Flickers.
This female spent a good 20 minutes preening away.

I swear she groomed each and every feather on her right wing.

A gal has to do whatever it takes to look good!

While some guys are just naturally handsome!

I also have news about my Downy, or should I say Downies? 

While I don't have photographic evidence, I did see two male Downy Woodpeckers working away on the same Big Leaf Maple.

And as if that wasn't enough Woodpecker Excitement...

Yesterday morning a Pileated Woodpecker flew in and lighted atop a fir tree.  He then proceeded to 'serenade' me. 

He was up a good 60 feet or so...

...thus I don't have the greatest photos this time.

I did however, enjoy his triumphant morning greeting.  I think the tune was "Reveille" - Woodpecker style!


  1. What a cute bunny (both of them...) And wonderful bird pictures again!

  2. Love all the woodpeckers! And bunnies!

  3. Glad your bunny expert approves of your stitched bunny, Beth! I can't believe two males would coexist at a bird feeder like those woodpeckers... Great photos, as always!

  4. Wow! That is so cool about your woodpeckers! Two males no less! And the pileated! And wow, all the pictures, and -- wonderful!

  5. Beth, I just drool over your woodpecker and flicker photos - they are super. Two male acorn woodpeckers at the same time is so exciting! I am thrilled about the downies and hope there will be females soon. Your bunnies (real and cross stitched) are adorable!

  6. The acorn woodpeckers are so interesting looking. How exciting to have two in the same photo. I am always surprised at how noisy the big woodpeckers are!

  7. I just LOVE your bird posts - such great photos. You're so lucky to have them around you and we are so lucky that you share with us!

    Mary in MN

  8. Gosh, I'd love to just sit and watch all the activity in your yard!

  9. Did I mention that thanks to your blogging, I can identify more and more birds. I really appreciate you! I sure liked the flicker pics--funny how long she did the preening. And two Acorn males at once IS a big thing! Can't wait to see if there will be two females around... I knew the Pileated one straight away--it is the tuft on top that identifies them for me!

  10. Wow! The woodpeckers are amazing.


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