Thursday, December 5, 2013

Whooo Knew There Were Christmas Owls?

Chart - "Silent Night" - Jingles #F134
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count natural linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 2 December 2013
Completed - 4 December 2013  

I know, you're saying, "Not another owl!"  Yep.  Who knew there were Christmas owls?  I will plead that this stitch is seasonal as I heard my Great Horned Owls hooting away about 4:30pm yesterday evening.

Today has dawned and the world is cold and sparkly. 
If you're up to it and dressed for the weather, I'd like to have you along on a walk.

Our young Douglas Fir trees continue to grow and grow.  I love how their 'leaders' look like long antennae stretching toward the sky.

Some of the trees are old enough now to produce nice crops of cones.

Here are the catkins on the Hazel brush...

...and here are the buds on the same plants.  Hazel brush seems to get ready for spring ultra-early.

The bits of fruit left on the Dogwood are plump little buttons on the end of the twisted branches. 

As you can see, most of the blackberries were eaten before they had a chance to rot on the vine. 

Look closely at the mossy green stones and you can see that Dorothy's Creek is running once again.

No one much likes Snowberries. I've read that they are poisonous - the ultimate in a plant's defense to insure that its seeds have the opportunity to germinate.   

Looking at this Oak Gall, I think that a bird poked it open made of meal of the small wasp living inside.  

Here's a look at our Big Creek. It is running along briskly, but certainly not a full steam yet.  We've not had very much rain yet this fall / winter.

If there was an award for Anticipating Spring, it would have to go to the Cow's Parsnip.  The new young plant is up and ready to take off the moment warm weather comes around once again.  Are you ready for spring already?
I'm cold - it's time to get back inside where it is warm.
(Disclaimer - all the above photos were taken on a walk before our temperatures dropped into the 'teens'. I will try and get some photos of our sparkles!)  


  1. Well it's a beautiful walk, even if it was before the chill set in. Love the owl too!

  2. Lizzie Kate's owls are the cutest - nice finish :-)

  3. What a great walk today! I love the snowberries. Nope, I don't eat them! ;) And yep, I have been dressed real warm for weeks now. ;)

  4. Here's another owl I found for ya on Pinterest! I might have to stitch this one too.

  5. Love the owl :) and the bright colours of nature you found

  6. I like the photo with all the cones. It's been a wild morning here in Scotland. I drove to work and all was fine but when I tried to walk into the building I was almost blown away - I had to cling onto a lamp post!!

  7. What a cute little Christmas owl! Thanks for the lovely walk! We went for a walk yesterday but today it is too cold!

  8. Very cute owl and thanks for the lovely walk.

  9. I love all of your owls - you have a wonderful collection'

  10. Beautiful pictures!

    Your Christmas owl is so lovely :)

  11. Lovely walk! Those owls are everywhere!

  12. Great walk! I have never heard of an Oak Gall, will have to look it up. Love the pine cones and I think the snow berries are pretty. Thank you

  13. A cute owl finish. Looks cold enough already on your walk!

  14. yup--I have seen Christmas owls! I like them! and Yours! Enjoyed the walk... wonder if I burned any calories? I had an experience with a wasp in my house this week--it was surprising to say the least! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.