Friday, December 6, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

We had a low of 15F Thursday morning.
Today we are supposed to have snow from 6am-2pm.  It will be interesting to see if we do get some 'white stuff'. The temperatures are to stay below freezing so anything we get will be around for a couple of days.

This weather forecast has me singing "Fa la la la la".  As you know I have Cardinal Envy - the only one's I'll ever see here are ones I stitch.

Here's a look at our frosty outside yesterday morning.

The bunny has a quizzical expression.  He seems to be saying, "What's with this glittery stuff anyway?"

On the Bird Front I was really excited to spy this visitor.  High atop a Big Leaf Maple perched a Cedar Waxwing.  Not the best photo as he was 'far away'. but you can see the crest on his head and the band of yellow on his tail feathers. Cedar Waxwing are not 'feeder birds normally.  wonder if he'll come to the suet feeder during this cold spell.  

I also had plenty of my 'regulars' including lots of Golden-crowned Sparrows...

...and Song Sparrows.

The tiny Chickadees were very active and talkative.

Here's an Oregon Junco and a male House Finch.

Is that bird ever puffed up or what? 

My Mom has been 'rotating' out my hummingbird feeders on a regular basis to make sure there is 'unfrozen' food available for the Annas.

They are some of the first birds to be active in the morning...

...and are still eating as dusk approaches in the evening.

I have been seeing a few Robins in the evening as well.

This was our Thursday evening sky.  
A very pretty harbinger of the cold yet to come.


  1. I love frosty weather when it's nice and dry - I hope you don't get too much snow to make things uncomfortable. Nice new stitching start.

  2. Oh brrr. I hope you don't get much of the white stuff. Yuck. Funny how you're envious of our cardinals. I'm envious of your house finches and stellar jays!

  3. What great bird pictures again! It is only 13 here this morning, so we are feeling the cold front too! We are supposed to get snow sunday. I didn't know you didn't see cardinals in your area. We usually have a few in our yard. They are especially pretty in the snow.

  4. What great bird pictures again! It is only 13 here this morning, so we are feeling the cold front too! We are supposed to get snow sunday. I didn't know you didn't see cardinals in your area. We usually have a few in our yard. They are especially pretty in the snow.

  5. What great bird pictures again! It is only 13 here this morning, so we are feeling the cold front too! We are supposed to get snow sunday. I didn't know you didn't see cardinals in your area. We usually have a few in our yard. They are especially pretty in the snow.

  6. How exciting to see the waxwing! I am surprised you have robins, I always think of them for spring.

  7. Oh yeah, it's cold out there! We are such wimps though, aren't we? We are so unused to the cold. So far no snow yet but I feel it coming! I love that photo of the sky - very pretty!

  8. Winter seems to be arriving well and truly. Lovely birds today Beth, the chickadee is such a neat little bird.

  9. I'm shivering just looking at those pictures. We're experiencing a small winter storm but goodness the ice is bad. I love the pics of our bird friends.

  10. It does look cold. It is so surprising, to me, to see hummingbirds coming into your feeders this time of year. Ours head further south by mid-October and I don't see them again until March or April. Also didn't realize you didn't have cardinals - they are one of my favorite birds.

  11. Oh I'll trade you cardinal envy for Oregon envy!!!!! Not only are the cardinals our baseball team but I have many of the red & olive jewels at my feeder. They prefer private dining...coming early & late when the crowd is minimal. They are so awesome....clicking out of one side of their beak while spitting sunflower shells out the other!!! They were especially pretty out there in the snow today. Hooray for mom & the hummingbird food!

  12. Sweet stitches and I love that bunny!

  13. I just realized that I only have 2 weeks to get everything done for Christmas and all I want to do is stitch some Fa La La La La for myself.

    Hope you don't have dangerous weather. I think most of the ice and snow will miss us, but it is super cold.

  14. It is just way too cold!!! We are keeping the feeders going and have quite a number of visitors. You are so lucky to have spotted a cedar waxwing! I have bird envy!

  15. Who'd have thought there'd be a bird in my yard that you wouldn't have seen in person! Sorry about your lack of cardinals.

  16. The REAL cold weather totally bypassed our area this time, but considering it was 80 on Friday and 43 on Saturday... brrrr...I admit it--we are spoiled! Love to know the birds in your area are well fed! Hugs!


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