Friday, June 7, 2013

The Paris Apartment

We left Paris today.  Here's what we left behind.
Our street.

The door to our building.

The interior gate.

The staircase - up two flights we go.  Narrow, winding, and death-defying!

See what I mean?

The door to enter the apartment and the kitchen.  The bathroom door is on right wall of the kitchen.

The bathroom.  Bath/shower, toilet, sink, and washing machine.
From the kitchen straight into the 'dining table'.  The bed on the far end, the couch in the front of the photo.  Tiny, but secure and really all the room we needed.
Our Rambateau neighborhood.
We are back in London safe and sound and ready for further adventures. 


  1. Glad you're back safely in the UK - at least it should be lovely and sunny for you on your return here.

  2. Glad it worked out so well for you two. Wondering what is next.

  3. Oh, I'm enjoying your journey so much! Thank you for sharing this amazing photo journal.

  4. Well, the apartment seems small to American standards, but if it is all you need... The stairs did look kind of 'narrow' and winding. You weren't there long... Hugs!

  5. While out seeing all the wonderful sights, I would actually want a small place. But the steps!!Wow! Glad to hear you are safely back in the UK.

  6. What a cozy apartment, love those old floors and the beams, probably just right for one. Glad you are back safe in UK. Ready for a new adventure, where to next?

  7. What fun to see the apartment you stayed in! Great stuff! Are you staying in an apartment in London too?

  8. Very nice!!
    That stairwell looks a lot like the one from Julie Delpy's Paris apartment in the movie Before Sunset. (A fav of mine, and a good 'walking around Paris' movie.) So cool.

  9. What an amazing Paris apartment, full of charm and intrigue! Those macaroons look divine! I bet you visited the patisserie multiple times!


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