Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our Last Day in Paris

Well I went a bit crazy at Des Fils et une Aiguille buying lots of charts - Tralla-la, Jardin Prive, and L'R du rien

I also bought some fabric and trim.

Several people have asked what I'm eating in Paris.  Well here is my breakfast of choice: milk and mini gaches - basically sweet rolls embedded with chunks of chocolate.  You gotta love a country that considers that a healthy breakfast. Yum!
Today was our last day in Paris and we cobbled together a little bit of this and a little bit of that for our itinerary.  We began with a walk through Luxembourg Gardens.

We then took the metro to Fromagerie Quatrehomme on rue de Sevres. The owner sources the cheese from small artisanal dairies.  My mother loves cheese.  She bought a Roquefort, and two others.
Next up Galleries Lafayette.  The department store takes up three entire blocks.  One block has women's fashion, another men's fashions, and the third has home furnishings.  Here's a look at the wild windows featured in the women's department store.
I did find a small haberdashery in the home furnishings store.  Also liked some colorful enameled silverware but at  9 euro an item, it was easy to walk away.  The store also had chairs in bright Pantone colors which I quite liked.
We ended the day at the Fornay Library taking in an exhibit of Dutch needlework from 1680-1920.

The collection belongs to Joke Vissor.  With over 750 items from the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, it is one of the largest private collections in the world. Some of the samplers were amazing - I wish I could share with you, but photography was prohibited.
I was fascinated by the meters and meters long rolls called "Memories of My Youth".  They were popular in the early 20th century and include examples of numerous types of needlework: cross stitch, crewel, needlepoint, hardanger, lace-work, darning - everything!  Here's a link to take a look at an example.
Well, I have to pack - my least favorite part of travelling.  I'll leave you with a montage of Paris windows. 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this - what a wonderful trip you have had! Where are you off to now? Back to London? Home?

  2. What a fabulous last day in Paris: I love reading your daily updates. Paris looks to have been huge fun. Cannot wait to see where you go next! x

  3. What a great little side trip you took to Paris and France! Thanks so much for sharing. I've so enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to more London posts now! :D

  4. Galleries Lafayette is the store I most remember from my trip to Paris all those years ago. I have a soft spot for Tra La La designs, they have such an instant appeal.

  5. Wow what a fun day...wonderful x

  6. Oh Beth, I'm so glad you were able to take in the exhibit. I hope it was as wonderful as it seemed to be on the advertisement. I love all your French treasures. Be well and be safe!

  7. Thanks Beth. I am so glad you have shared with us.

  8. Oh MY!! I am behind in my blog reading so rather than comment on each entry - it looks like you had an amazing time in Paris and surroundings! It was all beautiful but Giverny really topped the lot.

  9. What a wonderful trip! I've enjoyed all your updates...and now to the goodies. Oh my goodness you know I covet those 4 L'R du rien charts - chickens & alphabets- simply irresitble! Hope your flight home goes well!

  10. Well done on the new stash, lovely stuff there. The exhibition must have been wonderful - I saw part of the collection at the Aiguille en Fete a couple of years ago and it was very impressive.

  11. Looks like you had a great day today! Love to see the stash you got! Paris is just beautiful. Maybe I will get to see it in person some day..

  12. I don't know which I like better, your breakfast or your stitching purchases-both look wonderful to me!! What a great trip you have had. Loved your montage of the Paris windows.

  13. Lovely new stash, love breakfast. What a lovely last day.
    Safe travels home!

  14. Beth, thank you so much for sharing your journey and what lovely pictures you took. Paris is my dream trip waiting to happen and I can see from your trip that it is wonderful! I can't wait to visit the gardens and the needlework stores. You sure did have a great time and such memories to share with your mom.

    Safe travels home and will be watching for more posts.

  15. I loved the Paris windows--just gorgeous! And there is a book called the Fat Fallacy about how the French eat so many foods that contain fat, yet stay slimmer than many Americans--it was a good read.

  16. SIGH.... Did I mention I was jealous? Love absolutely every picture!!

  17. I bet the exhibit was beautiful. Glad you got to attend. Fabulous new stash and trims. Hope your all settled in London. love Annette

  18. Whoa! What a way to start this post with pictures of Tra-La-La charts! I wonder if the cost will be the same if we buy them from here, because you have to pay whatever when you do customs? Whatever... they are such great charts--I probably would pick most of the same ones--with BIRDS! Ha! Thanks for sharing again... I look for your posts whenever I open my reader. Which reminds me, I have to do some more research on replacing Google reader! Yikes! Hugs!

  19. I *adore* TraLaLa patterns. Can't wait to see those pop up on your blog in finished form.

    That department store sounds like an entire mall stuffed into one store, instead of many stores. Kinda of ingenious and overwhelming.

    Have so loved taking this trip 'with' you. It really has been a treat. If you want to take me 'with' you for a trip to Italy or Scotland, I'm all for it. lol


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.