Monday, July 9, 2012

Peaceful Monday

Design - "Liberty" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Natural linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 July 2012
Completed - 6 July 2012

I particularly like the last sentiment 'Peace'.

Tom-Cat caught a bunny early Saturday morning, but I was there instantly so it became a 'catch and release' moment.  The bunny survived to hop another day.  So I feel we've had peace and harmony in the animal kingdom lately.

Here are my latest babies - California Quail.  

I think this poor couple is attempting to parent something like fifteen chicks!  I counted fourteen fluffy little balls in this photo. 

Saturday was the first day that the parents brought the babies to the bird feeders.  They come early in the morning and late in the evening. 

We will be keeping a very close eye on our cats in the interests of having a Peaceable Kingdom.

Father Quail will keep watch too.
BTW - the babies can already fly!


  1. Love your latest patriotic finish, Beth! I'm always amazed at your nature photography--especially love the photo of the bunny with the Quail babies :)

  2. I love your new banner! And yor little Lizzie Kit is adorable.

    i can't seem to parent 2 teenagers, so the thought of herding 15 is beyond me. They are so cute.

    Happy the baby bunny survived his cat encounter. They are such fragile little things it probably almost scared him to death.

    Have a greate week!

  3. Nice finish! And the quail -- so cute!!! I don't know why, but I've always loved quail. :D

  4. Poor bunny but lucky too that you were on hand. That's a lot of babies to be looked after, I hope they all survive.

  5. Eeeek! Glad you caught him with the bunny before it got........messy. :(

    Cute little finish!!!!


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