Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Birds and Plants

Design - "The Button Tree"
Designer - The Drawn Thread

Do you remember me posting about "The Button Tree" last month?  I stitched the two red birds and the peacock.  My Aunt Sandie has now adorned it with owls, parrots, and other bird buttons.  Pretty cute!

It's Tuesday once again.  That means a Garden Party over at an Oregon Cottage.

This week I'd like to share my Uncle Jack's garden with you.

Jack is a fan of large-leafed plants. 

He has an eye for design.

He designed and built this pond - surrounding it with Iris, Gunnera, and other water-loving plants.

He is president of the local Rhododendron society, so there are Rhodies everywhere

I offer this as proof that Rhododendrons are interesting when not in bloom.

This is a damp, shaded area with Arisaema, Cinnamon ferns, and Rhodies. 

Here's Jack with Petasites Giganteus.

He has a stairway of cement blocks.  Each block 'belongs' to a family member.  This one - a son-in-law who is all about running and coffee. 

Nothing blooming - just a contrast of leaf color and texture. 

A lovely fern.  Jack is a generous gardener and I came away with an Australian fern and a Maidenhair fern.

I hope you enjoyed our Garden visit.


  1. Gorgeous finish, I love all the buttons.
    Uncle Jack's garden is just beautiful!

  2. Such a fun finish!! Grat garden too.

  3. Cute little button tree. Love Uncle Jack's garden. I guess he likes big leaves! Fun garden accessories, too. Thanks for showing us more Oregon scenery.


  4. This is really something and the block for each family member is wonderful!

  5. Lovely garden, green fingers must run in the family.

  6. Hi Beth: What a cool garden this is--I love the huge dragonfly, and the frog garden art--they all made me smile when I saw them! Take care, and have a wonderful week!

  7. Those bird buttons are wonderful! And your brother's garden is gorgeous - obviously you all have the gardening gene!

  8. Yes, I DID enjoy that visit! Especially the cement stair blocks--how very unique! Dragonfly came in second!! Hugs!

  9. Great tour! You really do have gardening strongly in your family!

  10. What a garden! You can really tell when someone loves to do something.

  11. I love the way the tree turned out!! As usual, wonderful garden photos!!

  12. Oh, I love that tree. All those buttons are just too cute. Where did you find them?

    Pretty and unique garden ornaments your Uncle Jack has. Beautiful pond too. Dang, those Petasites Giganteus are huge! Never seen leaves that big before.


  13. What a fun garden! I love the steps personalized for the family members--how neat!

    The buttons that were added to your DT piece are so fun.

  14. Wow! Gardening is in your genes, Beth! Your uncles garden is great!! And I love how your aunt gifted you with some of her pretty buttons for your stitched tree...It is so "you" with all those little birds!

  15. Very cute buttons that she added! I think I like the owl ones the best, especially the red one. Or maybe the ivoryish one? Can't pick!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.