Saturday, January 14, 2012

Parvati Tells It Like It Is

Parvati asked me, "Are you messing around in your stitching stash again?"

"I've told you and told you to stay focused!"

"Hopeless.  You're just hopeless!"
(She's right, darn it).

Earlier this week I attended the Hardy Plant Group's January meeting.

Members brought botanical samples to share.

Camellias and Nandina...

But the Stars of the January meeting were the Witch Hazels.


  1. Oh my.... You got told off seriously !!!
    That cat has a fantastic facial expression. And she looks as if she is a lady from top to toe. No messing around with this one. Gotta love her

  2. heheheh she is certainly having meows with you there girl ... love the samples of plants and love the witch hazels too :) love mouse xxxx

  3. Nature is lovely and it's so varied. I saw an unusual shrub today and was sorely tempted. It had the most beautiful bright purple berries, they looked artificial.

  4. Cats can speak volumes with just one look.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.