Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Nature Report

Sunny blue skies have not been unusual as of late.  What is unusual is that there are two hawks in this tree at the same time.  They are pretty territorial, and normally can't stand to be this close to one another.    

When we have very cold temperatures, I always feel for the tiny Anna's Hummingbirds.  I can't imagine, given their metabolism, how many calories they burn trying to stay warm. 

On cold days I make sure the suet and peanut feeders are well stocked.

This Junco is waiting for sunflower seeds.

Cold weather makes it all the more important to have accessible drinking water for the birds too.


  1. Nature is lovely but harsh too. Our visiting birds are enjoying a mild winter so far, I hope it continues.

  2. I have only ever seen humming birds when on foreign holidays. They are amazing birds.

    The Robin reappeared today and by the time I grabbed the camera he was gone. I am determined to capture some shots of him for you.

  3. Love your pictures as usual. I can't imagine how you get anything else done with all the care and feeding you give Mother Nature!

  4. Beautiful photos, as always! It looks like winter has finally visited your area--stay warm inside and stitch!

  5. I love to see your photo's birds, gardens and of course the cats.


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