Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Morning Progress Report

Here's what I've done on "Flora McSample" - not much - a letter and a couple of sheep. I ended up taking it easy this weekend...not much stitching...
A little reading and alot of napping!  The perfect weekend truly.

Ironically, I did not see the Easter Bunny Sunday...
He must be a sneaky guy!

Chip the Munk came for an Easter Treat...

"Thanks for Sunflower Seeds!"  

"It's an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, right?"  

Working on filling up those cheek-pouches...


"Thanks Lady!"

"Hey! What about me!?!? I'm pretty cute too...and hungry!!!"


  1. Your piece looks good, and I don't know how you always get the best nature pictures. I must have something attached to me that all wildlife runs if I try to capture them on film.

  2. What cute little sheep! I look forward to seeing the rest as you continue this design.

  3. Love those cute little sheep in that design!

  4. Chip the Munk is pretty darn cute...looking forward to seeing more of your design and I love the gingham bunny...too darn cute!!

  5. I love any stitching with sheep--can't wait to see the rest.

    Beth, your wildlife photography is always so impressive. What kind of camera do you use? I would love to be able to take photos like you do!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.