Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Garden Grumble or Two

I'm in a Grumbly Mood...
Though you'd think this array of linen would perk me up!
R & R Pilgrim Brown, R & R Fitzgerald Red, WDW Lilac, and Lakeside Linen Vintage Magnolia... I guess they do, a bit... 

 Given how wet and cold this Spring has been, it's hard not to Grumble.  So I'll Grumble!  Saturday was nice, but Sunday the rain returned and Monday was cold, rainy, and windy - the rain gauge at 0.5" once again.  The forecast for the next few days calls for cool temperatures and rain showers.

So I guess for this edition of The Tuesday Garden Party, I should be extra thankful for the Front Porch, and my October Potting Efforts!
Protected from the wind and weather, Martinette continues to bloom.

And Bell Song has finally come into its own.

The sky-blue Muscari azureum too are happy enough.

I cannot overstate the wonderful performance of these Belarina Primroses.  I bought then in early March, and they've had loads of non-stops blooms since that time. 

This is another muscari - technically it is in the front flower bed, not the front porch...It has just begun to bloom - I think it's going to be a show-stopper!
And delicate Minnow - lovely!  I guess I have more going on than I'd originally thought, and not much to Grumble about after all!  Stay dry! 


  1. We have had a wet season too here and I am happy about it...but wet for us is probably normal for other places. We got rain here on Easter too. Your blooms are beautiful...I have never seen Primrose quite like those before...ours are different here...with lots of blooms on one stem and very few leaves...those are wonderful. Your linen is wonderful too!

  2. I have to agree with Linda--I've not seen primroses like those before. They look like they are doubles, which is really cool--thank you for sharing the photos!

  3. What a nice pair we are... you're grumbling because it's wet and cold, and I'm grumbling because it's hot and dry! Your flowers are lovely, and so are the fabrics :o)

  4. Cold and rainy here, too! Love your flowers and your fabrics are so pretty. What do you have planned for them; especially the red?

  5. Rainy here in Northern Coastal California, but should be nice the rest of the week. Hope to get lots done. My primroses look nice too!

  6. We have hot and dry here, so maybe we could split the difference and we would both be happy! lol

    The potted flowers are beautiful! I am definitely going to pot up some bulbs this fall!

  7. Beautiful!

    The rains here have been miserable too. It's squishy to walk through the yards even, let alone the gardens and fields. :-(

  8. ooo fab linens :) photos are gorgeous tooo.. we gone back to being dull and cold today :( love mouse xxxx

  9. beautiful flowers!

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts.

    ~ Ellen

  10. stopping by from an Oregon Cottage, I love the Bell Song daffodil, so so pretty.

  11. Ugh, I thought after last year's cold spring we'd have a better one...
    Hopefully, it will warm up soon!
    An Oregon Cottage


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