Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Additions to an Out of Control Stash

So yes, I've made a few recent purchases.  Two main themes - winter with Snowmen and Santas, and Valentine's Day charts.  Of course this now requires additional purchases of fibers and linen...Does it ever end?  Do we want it to? 

The other morning I caught this Spotted Towhee on a blackberry cane.  I was impressed with how carefully he placed his claws around the needle-sharp and large-to-him thorns.  Truly a delicate balancing act!

As most of the east coast and the south of the United States hunkers down in preparation for yet another snow storm, in the southern Willamette Valley we have no rain forecast for the next several days, and temperatures in the mid-50's(F).  It's a good day to take a walk around the property and see if winter is reluctantly seceding its hold.


  1. Looks like you are in for a lot of snowman valentine fun!

    Another amazing bird picture! It is like you live in an aviary!

  2. Great stash purchases. And in answer to your questions - No, it never ends - and we definitely don't want it to!!

    And mid-50's - you lucky soul. It's so cold around here - but we're going to have a heat wave - mid 20's - be still my heart!!

  3. Gotta love the stash . Great pics . XXX

  4. What nice stash you've added! Enjoy stitching them!

  5. I recently discovered your blog and i'mreally enjoying it. You write about my two loves,birds andneedlework. Your photography is beautiful. Thanks!


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