Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Picked Door Number Two...I Mean Snowman Number #2

As you can see I chose to work on "Snowman #2".  I love the two Crescent Color greens used for the words "Be Jolly" - Lettuce Leaf and Meadow Green.  They are inspired choices I think.

When I was outside Friday morning, there were birds most everywhere.

Up, up, up, high, high, high - I first heard, then saw, this skein of Canada Geese.

Tip-top of a young Douglas Fir tree perched this Steller's Jay.
I'd not noticed before the "quilted" look of the wings when at rest.

And under my feet, a group of California Quail came out of the thicket to eat.


  1. It looks like Snowman #2 is going to be really cute. Who is the designer?

    You did have birds everywhere. There were several skeins of geese flying over us last week. We thought they were being chased by out snow storm.

  2. Lovely picture of the stellar jay.

    I had a flock of birds fly over my head the other morning. The sound of it really startled me.

  3. Love all your snowmen pieces! I really like the border on Winter Walk and Lettuce Leaf is one of my favorite shades as it reminds me of robin's egg blue.

    The Stellar Jay is a spectacular looking bird! We don't have them in Michigan. It's always a treat to see wildlife from other areas of the country.

    Your Parvati is beautiful! What a lovely coat color!

  4. Look forward to seeing the rest of your pretty Snowman.
    Great photo of the Stellar Jay.


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