Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday's Walk - Spring Wildflower Celebration

My neighbor June carefully tended a wildflower meadow in the front of her house.
She passed away last fall at the age of 98. Her son, like many men, "tidied up" and mowed the yard cutting down most of the plants instead of waiting until mid-June when they'd finished blooming and set seed.

But I found a few survivors.

Small patches that escaped.

I've always called these Rooster Bills.
They are more commonly known as Henderson's Shooting Stars -Dodecatheon hendersonii

And I almost waited too long to photograph the Lamb's Tongues

The White Fawn Lily - Erythronium oregonum


Back to the Rooster Bills

Little rockets

A week ago when both kinds of wildflowers were in bloom, this was stunning.


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