Friday, May 12, 2023

Migration Part 6 - Overwhelmed with Warblers

Here's the final piece that I had framed this year.

Design - "Quiet as a Mouse"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 28 count Liberty Gathering Gray R & R linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 25 August 2012
Completed - 1 September 2012

Framed - September 2018

Will my series on migration ever end?
Not as long as I continue to have wonderful spring / summer birds to feature!

Wednesday was an especially good birding day - both in the backyard and later in the morning down at the Big Creek. 

First of a young male Western Tanager delighted me.

And yes, this is a picture heavy post....

...because beautiful birds - can't chose just a couple of photos.

Side profile

Straight on

Straight on

Side view

And this I think is a 2nd, more mature male - face is much redder.
I either saw and / or heard a total of 33 different species from 7:15am-9:30am.

Then I walked down to the Big Creek. 

And I was overwhelmed with Warblers.

This is a male Common Yellowthroat

He has kind of a mask thing going on.

There were at least three male Wilson's Warblers darting and flitting about in this willow.
And yes, I only managed one semi-decent photo.
Which is better than the three Black-throated Gray Warblers - no photos!  

Yep this Orange-crowned Warbler came in REALLY close.
And yes, you can even see the dull orange crown.

So not one, not two...

..but three great photos of this wonderful bird.
I saw and / or heard 37 different species from 9-11am.

And if you lasted this long - here's a pitch to bird on Saturday, May 13th - THE BIG DAY!
Click on this link to learn how to participate. I encourage everyone to download the Merlin birding app. You can attempt to ID birds by sight, by photograph, or my sound. I'm having so much fun using the sound portion. 

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