Monday, December 12, 2022

Well Then...

Chart - "Reindeer Sampler" - (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count natural linen / silk
Started - 11 November 2001
Completed -17 November 2001 

Excuse the blurry photos...

I took these through the kitchen door.

I was surprised to see a couple of American Goldfinches.

I rarely see them from November through early April.
I'll have to keep watching to see if they are here with some frequency this winter.

The Fox Sparrow on the other hand, is a 'normal' winter visitor for me.

The California Quail are year-around resident birds.

This was a group of 8 or so birds.

Breakfast guests included a Brush Rabbit.

1 comment:

  1. Love your Reindeer Sampler, Beth! Lovely bird and bunny pictures!


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