Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday's Hummers

The Anna's are winter weather warriors!

A female hanging out in the rain.

They are generally not bothered by winter weather.

Lovely green on the back of the head, belly, and sides. 

Thanks little bird!

This series is from a week ago when we had a snow, cold morning.

Exceptional weather led a female and male to declare a truce and share a small feeder. 

It was a dark morning with low light, so the male does not 'glow' as much as he might otherwise.

They were together for a good five minutes or so.

Cold weather means they need even more calories than usual.

You can bet I do my utmost to make sure they have access to sugar water when the weather is extreme.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.