Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Fuzzy Mittens Big Birds


Design - "Fuzzy Mitten" (C-9)
Designer - Fanci This
Fabric - 32 count Pearl Gray Belfast Zweigart linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 January 2013
Completed - 12 January 2013 

Most of the Turkey Vultures in the Willamette Valley head south for the winter.

But a couple of days ago I had several.

First four, then five...

And yet more came by.

Rare birds this time of year.

The final count was seven!


  1. That is a big group of turkey vultures! Mittens are very cute!

  2. Love the Fuzzy Mittens pieces! I would be happy to send you some turkey vultures, Beth!


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