Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday's Hummers


I think I broke a record for the backyard. I counted EIGHT Anna's Hummingbirds Saturday evening.


  1. Eight Anna's is amazing. I didn't do a count, but I had plenty of Anna's and some Rufus. I also cleaned and refilled all my feeders. I spotted a male Rufus hiding in a Eugenia Hedge, to protect his feeder, only to chase off a very young female Anna's today. I gave him a scolding and he tucked his tail feathers in, but I don't think he'll change his behavior. If you have any tips to help me teach my guest hummers to be kinder, I'd appreciate it. Still, they all look well fed and healthy. Just not willing to share. I always ponder why hummers in the PNW seem so much better about sharing.

  2. Glad your numbers are remaining rather steady!


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