Monday, November 8, 2021

An Encounter at Dusk

All the snowflakes are done. I've started the robin's red breast. There are some berries to stitch and this piece will be finished.

I had a rather exciting encounter Friday as day turned to dusk.  I have a 1/10 of a mile loop that I walk around the front of the house on the driveway with our deer fence on my left.  I completed by first lap and was about 1/2 way through the second when I was compelled to stop and look up at a post on the fence.

This is what I saw no more than 3 feet away!

It's a juvenile Barred Owl!  Quite a large bird. I slowly backed up then ran to the house and grabbed my camera.  The Barred Owl was still there when I returned.
   The extra long tail is characteristic of a young bird. IT acts as 'training wheels" for the youngster making it easier to fly and to stop. 
It was amazing to have been so close to an owl - I was running on adrenaline for a good 30 minutes after this encounter. Something I will long remember.    



  1. Your stitch is looking so good, Beth. What wonderful pictures you captured of the juvenile Barred Owl! Perhaps you will see him again!

  2. How wonderful! I know we have owls here, but have not seen them. Great photo!👍

  3. Oh my how exciting and lucky to be so close to a Barred Owl and that he stayed around long enough for you to go get your camera and take a picture of him. Gorgeous bird and very healthy looking. I hope he stays around your home for a very long time. Very special Beth. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow!!! What luck! When I find myself with a special sighting without my camera I find it hard to make the decision whether I should run for the camera or just stay still and enjoy it while it's in front of me. When I run for the camera it rarely works out. When I stay I stand there and think "I think I had time to get the camera!". I think we all do that. Congratulations on your lucky owl!!

  5. What a special event!!! Lucky you!


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