Monday, June 7, 2021

The Frowny Ones Are Back

Design - "Quaker Bee Sampler"
Designer - Chessie 'n Me
Fabric - 32 count R & R Dye Pot Blend
Fibers - WDW 
One Strand over Two Threads & One Strand over One Thread
(Bee Skep - Long Stitch - Two Strands Over Threads)  
Started - 31 August 2011
Completed - 8 November 2011  

After much cursing muttering the poor decapitated bee on the lower right corner got frogged out and restitched. Ironically, the large blue flower basket (also over one) was stitched easily and error free. 

I've heard Cedar Waxwings, but until now they've not come in close enough to photograph. 

Frowny and determined faces!

This has to be a youngster.

To the left.

Straight ahead.

And to the right.


  1. Your Quaker sampler is lovely. What fun pictures of the frowny birds!

  2. I love your sampler. But I'm laughing about the frowny birds. I never thought of it before, but they do look like they have frowns on their face.

  3. Beth, you have some amazing animal photos!
    I've only seen cedar waxwings one time in my state, at a local grocery store. They were in berry bushes planted along the parking lot, and they were a joy to watch. The bobcat and bear are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love that stitched piece! The Cedar Waxwings are such a pretty bird!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.