Sunday, June 6, 2021

A Backyard Bobcat

And the Animal Adventure continued on May 31st.

About 30 minutes after the bear cub left, this handsome bobcat arrived.

I was outside reading when something made me look up and there it was!  

It saw me too, but as I did not move, it appeared unafriad.

Gotta love the bobbed tail and pointy ear-tips! 

And the mix of solid and polka-dot patterned fur.

I was able to take a couple dozen photos.

What a striking animal.

Healthy coat and muscular body.
Then it headed off.

Places to go.

And things to do!


  1. Incredible pictures of your second backyard visitor, Beth! He/she looks very healthy as well.

  2. Wow, this bobcat is a beauty. What a lucky sighting. I wonder if he smelled the bear and thought this was a good place to check out? Or maybe it was just shear luck to have a bear and shortly afterwards have a bobcat. Maybe next will be an elk ?

  3. I just realized how BIG this cats feet are! Amazing! Especially his/her hind feet!

  4. Wow, talk about right place at the right time. Great pics of that spectacularly handsome cat!


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