Friday, May 14, 2021

May is for Mothers

I stitched "Doodle Bugs" a Blacksheep kit by Ewe & Eye & Friends back in 2004.  The kit provided a very small (5' x 7") piece of Sugared Ginger Lakeside linen.  So when I decided to have this framed, having enough linen to stretch and secure it was challenging.

Fortunately by framers were up to the challenge!  By using a wide mat we overcame the stretching issues.  The metallic purple frame picks up the colors of the two "Doodle Bugs" and that of the inside border.

At least a couple of times a week, a raven greets me in the morning.

After being AWOL for a few weeks, one of the wild turkeys has returned with seven small chicks.

She is a vigilant and protective mama.

The babies do not stray far from her.

A California Scrub Jay is being a 'regular'.

He is far out-numbered by Steller's Jays.

Blue against blue.

Upward and onward!


  1. The Stella's Jay's are so pretty.

  2. Beth: This is truly a very sweet design, you are right the frame does pick-up the purple color in the design and lady bugs.


  3. The baby gobblers are adorable. We have seen an increase in turkey around here, but haven't seen any babies.


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