Thursday, May 13, 2021

House Hunting Intensifies

Design - "Busy Bees & Beeskep"
Chart - "Letters Part 1"
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count R & R Old Mill Java linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 June 2014
Completed - 12 June 2014

I got another First of the Season Bird.
This is a Warbling Vireo.

I think there are four pairs of Violet-green Swallows.

House hunting has intensified the past few days.

Lots of perching on the outside of the house to show intent to occupy. 

This pair chose to perch above the prospective residence.

Welcome to the neighborhood!


  1. Good to see the Vireo back. Those swallows are so pretty!

  2. Beth: Another adorable design, I love Bee Hives and this one is sweet.
    Beautiful bird photos.



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