Sunday, March 21, 2021

Smallest and Largest

Are you on the lookout for Rufous Hummingbirds?

I've not seen any yet. 

Two female wild Turkeys spent most of Thursday here. 

The quail were less than thrilled.

I watched them fly up high in a Douglas fir tree to roost for the night. They've moved on and that's fine with me and the quail.


  1. Glad the turkey stopped by for a quick visit! No hummers here, but we did have a huge Pileated Woodpecker pecking away this morning.

  2. I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your photos so much! I'm an avid 'critter' watcher here in my backyard also. No hummers yet, still a bit early in the Midwest. Recently, a new sight in the neighborhood - neighbors in back of me and one house over have chickens and a rooster that 'cock-a-doodle dooooooos' at all hours of the night and day! Interesting, but the 'noise' not quite so welcome at 3 or 3:30 a.m. - to say the least. Enjoy the arrival of Spring! <3


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