Sunday, January 3, 2021

Trail Camera Photos - Backyard

 We had more activity in the backyard in December.

Early in the month a skunk strolled by.

Off he goes...

An opossum

Lots of raccoon activity all month long. 

Two of them!

And of course deer.

And lots of bobcats wandering back and forth.

Here kitty, kitty!

Daytime shots.

This one looks bigger than the others.

More muscular. What do you think.

This photo wins the month as by far the most interesting.
Can you see why I chose it?

Seconds later there was no opossum and there were TWO bobcats!


  1. Well, they where alittle slow, Happy Sunday

  2. Those bobcats are looking very healthy, Beth. I hope the opossum wasn't a meal.

  3. Those bobcats are really something!


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