Monday, January 4, 2021

January's Blog Header

Charts and Designers noted below in 5 vertical rows. 

Row One: The Trilogy, "Happy Snow Snow Day", The Trilogy, "Bucky the Snowman", Heart in Hand, "Herbert".
Row Two: Val's Stitchin' Stuff, "A Helping Hand",  Bent Creek, "Snow". 
Row Three: Heart in Hand, "Mother's Wisdom: Dress Warm", The Knotted Tree, "Winter Walk", Heart in Hand, "Snowman Roundabout".
Row Four: Val's Stitchin' Stuff, "Warm Wishes", Pine Mountain Designs, "A Round January", over to Brown House Studio, "Full Winter Moon" (used Stranded by the Sea fibers as suggested by Theresa Venette), then down to Ewe & Eye & Friends, "January", Heart in Hand, "Monthly Markings: January". 
Row Five: Angel Stitchin', "Ahh Snow", Lizzie Kate, "Cold Hands, Warm Heart", The Trilogy, "Family: Cousin Wrigley". 


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.