Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wednesday's Walk

My sister and I took a walk at Delta Ponds . 

This time of year there are lots of Canada Geese.

I've gone back and forth with this bird: Ruby-crowned Kinglet or Cassin's Vireo.
Based on the size and the white/black/white wing bars I'm voting for Cassin's Vireo.

Small flock of Mallards

Female Double-crested Cormorant

Male Ring-necked Ducks 

Males!  Watching a female...

American Coots

They eat lots of pond plants.

Can't see the wing bars, but the eye ring again leads me to say Cassin's Vireo.

And here I'm going with Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Wing bar indicative of a kinglet.

Male Mallard

Black-capped Chickadee.

The bird is out of focus, but I like the structure of the willow thicket.


  1. It looked like you had a fabulous walk with all types of birds, Beth.

  2. looks a fabulous walk .. your black and white ducks look like our tufted ducks we have over here :) Happy New Year to you and hope you had a lovely Christmas too :) love mouse xxxx

  3. What magnificent water fowl....I can hear the male mallards saying, "You work out?" to the female...😅🦆


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