Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Interesting Birds

Design - Partridge
Chart - "A Prairie Christmas"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 26 December 2011
Finished - 28 December 2011 

Let's take a closer look at some of the Flickers I've had come by. 


Here's a female Red-shafted Northern Flicker.

And a male. In both cases you can see the strong orange tail feathers. 

Tongue sticking out.

The male has a red mustache.

As well as polka dots and stripes.

Both have a black half circle high on their chest.

This female is the interesting bird.

Look at her tail feathers.  They are yellow, not orange.  She an intergrade - a mix of  a Yellow-shafted and Orange-Shafted Flicker. 

With lots of hawk action, the Acorn Woodpeckers have been AWOL.

It was good to see this one, if only briefly.


  1. Pretty partridge stitch, Beth! Enjoyed seeing your Flicker photos!

  2. I think the flickers are beautiful birds!

  3. Like your bird stitches and your Christmas 'bird' trees below are beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to share photos and have a wonderful New Year!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.