Sunday, November 8, 2020

October Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

October's activity...

...included  a couple of robins having a drink,
while off to the far right there's a Varied Thrush.

See?  Here's the Thrush.

Song Sparrow drinking.

Steller's Jay flying in.

And here comes a hawk.

See the bird?

A couple of raccoons.

Yes, there were deer as well.

Three of them.

A Steller's Jay watches on the water trough as the deer dash by. 

Mighty Buck!

Two bobcats.

It might be easier to see the two animals in this cropped photo.

Another bobcat.

Healthy looking animal.

ll present the bear photos on Wednesday.


  1. Lots of activity by Dorothy's Creek! That bobcat in the last picture looks very healthy and fine.

  2. Love these monthly pics...always look forward to them!

  3. That last picture of the Bobcat is a great photo!


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