Monday, November 9, 2020

Four Birds for Sure

 Design - "Tall Turkey" (kit)

Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Tobacco linen
Started - 22 November 2001
Completed - 25 November 2001

I've got at least four Anna's hanging out for the winter.

The other morning these two gals...

quietly and peacefully share a small feeder for several minutes.

And while they drank on this feeder...

...there was yet another female on another feeder.

So three females for sure.

It was nice to watch them eating breakfast.

Everyone was calm.

This one had already been at work in the flowers - see the yellow pollen?

And the #4 bird you ask - it's the male!


  1. Love your Tall Turkey piece, Beth! The colors are fabulous. What beautiful shots of the hummers!

  2. Nice to see hummers sharing a feeder!


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