Thursday, November 12, 2020

Back to the Woodpeckers

Designer - Bent Creek
Design - "Autumn Spice + White"
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Doubloon Cashel
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 November 2015
Completed - 14 November 2015

This was a sweet little 'small' to stitch - 2" x 2".

As you can see, early on a frosty morning, one of my first visitors was a little female Hairy Woodpecker.

And shortly there after in flew in a male.

There's been a female Hairy Woodpecker visiting regularly as well.

She's a talker.

Likes the suet as well as this mealworm seed bell. 

Woodpeckers are some of my favorite birds.

The Acorn Woodpeckers have moved from the back of the house... the front of the house.

While they do eat suet, peanuts are their number one choice.

I enjoy watching them chose a peanut and work to remove it from the feeder.

Then off they fly either to eat it or add it to their granary tree stash.


  1. I so love wood peckers--so thanks for some great photos--
    luv, di

  2. I love all the turkey stitched pieces you have been showing. Those bear pictures were amazing. Wow! that was a lot of bears!

  3. Sweet little Gobbler, Beth! What lovely shots of the woodpeckers!


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