Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday's Hummers

Amazingly the hummingbirds are doing okay - even when it was raining ash from the forest fires. 

I've had to change out the bird baths up to 3 times a day to keep the water fresh and clean.  And am having to the same with the hummingbird feeders. 

They continue to zip around in similar numbers pre-wildfire.

I do not have many photos to share, as being outdoors is unsafe due to hazardous air quality.

The Rufous Hummingbirds will be migrating in the next couple of weeks or so.

I wonder how all the fires along the west coast (the migrate from as far north as Alaska and British Columbia) will impact their migration.  Stay safe little birds! 


  1. Lovely photos, Beth! You are a good bird caretaker and I bet they appreciate the fresh water in the bird baths and feeders. Be safe.

  2. Thank you for taking care of the hummers! I'm in Western WA state and the smoke is horrible enough - I don't want to imagine what it must be for those directly impacted by the fires. Hope you and your family will continue to remain safe!

  3. I'm happy to see your post, Beth. Continued prayers for you and yours, and the entire West coast.

  4. Oh dear, I had been wondering about critters that live year-round in fire areas, never gave a thought to the ones that migrate through there. I guess hope they have enough energy to cross burnt areas in one shot or can go around them??


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