Monday, September 14, 2020

Oh Yeah

The bee skeps / hives are stitching up quickly.

So much has happened lately...I almost forgot about the bear.
See the feeder on the patio?

See the feeder in the grass?  See the totally bent shephard's hook on the left?

Yep - a bear came through and tossed my feeders.
Fortunately did not destroy or walk away with any except one simple 'cage' suet feeder.    

He / she also tossed the woodpile looking for sunflower seeds as this is where I feed the chipmunks.  All of the upright big logs on the front of the stack are his work as is the random look of the logs on the pile.  So I'm now bringing in the feeders at dusk and taking them back out in the morning.  Sigh... 

1 comment:

  1. My neighbor does the same thing. Her feeders go out in the morning and come in at night.


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